The Three Types Of Ad Creatives That You Can Take Advantage Of Right Now
There are different creatives you can pursue when it comes to your paid ad campaigns. The first is the use of text. If you are using a solo add, or even social media or search engine advertising, you will often be leveraging text as a way of communicating to your target audience.
1. Text Ads
2. Display Ads
3. Video Ads
One thing you want to do is make sure you’re including some of the keywords and persuasive verbiage that you need to deliver a strong call to action that gets your target audience to click through to your site.
You want to make sure you are getting to the point with your text ads and zeroing in on the needs of your prospective buyers. If you have a special deal, you want to make sure that those savings are highlighted.
Example of a Text Ad with an Image:
Image Courtesy Facebook Ad Library
Display advertising is another format you can use with your ad campaigns, which use image ads such as banners. Display ads are perfect to use on websites and then social media ad campaigns because it stands apart from the rest of the text being used on the sites.
Although your display ad is primarily based on an image, you will be utilizing text to define a strong call to action that gets your viewers to click through on the image to go to your site.
Some people, when creating their display ads, like to add an animated effect to their banners so that it draws the attention of the visitors are better. You can create vertical or horizontal display ads.
Example of a Display ad:
Image Courtesy Facebook Ad Library
Video ads are another type of creative media format that you can use to generate traffic to your site. You can create video ads that are run on social media platforms and elsewhere, or you can pay for advertising that goes into someone else’s video channel before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll) or after (post-roll) their video ends.
Example of a Video Ad:
Image Courtesy Facebook Ad Library
You’ll find that these are very popular on YouTube and TikTok. Video ads are great because YouTube is the second largest search engine in existence and TikTok is closing in on them with enormous growth.
Use this free Facebook resource to get inspiration (don’t copy) to set up your ad campaigns.
To brainstorm your options and create your ads with my help, just reach out and set up a call with me soon! 👉 or sign up on my website: 👇